Gisela Yll Picó

Digital Content, SEO and Social Media Specialist

Social Media eDreams

Social Media & Content Specialist at eDreams

Among my responsibilities as Social Media & Content Specialist at eDreams, one of the most renowned online travel agencies in Europe, there is the design and implementation of cross-channel campaigns. These campaigns can either promote eDreams products, as well as those of partners, mainly tourism boards and airlines, with interest, for example, in promoting a specific destination or a new flight route. The management of these campaigns includes the execution of paid social campaigns on the main social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter y YouTube. In addition to organic posts on social media and writing of sponsored content on the eDreams blog. The development of these multichannel campaigns always implies a high level of coordination with other marketing departments.

Una tableta electrónica muestra el feed de la cuenta de Instagram de eDreams

The community management of the company social media is also part of my daily work, comprising the creation of content that generates engagement among the followers, as well as the acquisition of new followers. To accomplish this last goal, the launch of social media contest is one of the most used strategies, always promoted with paid social campaigns. Contests bring new followers and enable lead acquisition through the giveaway of prizes such as airline tickets.


Una mano sujeta un teléfono móvil que muestra una Instagram Stiry sobre Chefchaouen, la ciudad azul de Marruecos


Regarding YouTube, I have led the eDreams Travel Guides project, whose main objective is to reinforce brand awareness on this social network. For a year, from March 2019 to March 2020, I fully managed the initiative by which eDreams employees recorded their trips, whose footage the design team edited into YouTube videos. A project to convey that eDreams professionals are travel experts and to achieve greater closeness with consumers through the humanization of the brand.

Una tableta electrónica muestra un vídeo de YouTube de la serie eDreams Travel Guides y su lista de reproducción a la derecha

Another of the strategies carried out to promote the eDreams brand in social media is influencer marketing. Most of the actions developed are with travel influencers, but also with lifestyle influencers if their followers match the eDreams target. Among the latter, I would highlight Dulceida campaign, one of the best-known influencers in Spain, who promoted the eDreams app on her trip to Japan in 2019.


Ordenador portátil que muestra el blog de viajes de eDreams con un artículo sobre los templos más importantes de Kioto, Japón

On the other hand, the creation of posts for the eDreams travel blog and the writing of landing pages for the web are among my duties. I always optimize my texts applying SEO techniques to boost organic positioning.

Content Manager at FloraQueen

Pantalla de ordenador muestra mi trabajo como content manager en ecommerce de flores y regalos.

My experience as a Content Manager


FloraQueen is an international flower and gift e-commerce. My main tasks as a Content Manager consisted of writing online content for all web formats. Always including the latest SEO positioning and content marketing techniques. My duties also included daily web content management in CMS and copywriting for email marketing campaigns. All web texts were published after the pertinent spelling, style and web usability check.

Un ordenador muestra mi trabajo como content manager en ecommerce en la gestión de productos y catálogos,

As a content manager, I was also responsible for the e-commerce products’ management, as well as  writing product sheets. Along with the creation and organization of new catalogs and the launch of seasonal promotional campaigns.

Un ordenador muestra mi trabajo como content manager en ecommerce en cuanto a la gestión del blog y la estrategia de marketing de contenidos.


FloraQueen’s blog was a key piece in the content marketing strategy and crucial for the web’s SEO positioning. Blog management was also part of my responsibilities as a content manager. I was in charge of planning the content calendar, writing blog posts and curating the best images. Also distributing each article on the e-commerce’s social media to get the maximum spread.

Digital Content Specialist

Un ordenador muestra mi trabajo en la redacción de contenido digital para Hidroblog.

Digital Content Specialist at an agency

At Beople Communications Agency, I worked as a digital content specialist for several websites in the water supply sector. The main one was the personal blog of AGBAR’s CEO (Aigües de Barcelona Water Supply Company). My responsibilities ranged from blog editorial planning and writing to SEO positioning. With a high level of spelling and style correction, the articles were related to the water ecosystem with topics such as hydroelectric plants, water footprint, or sustainability goals. Likewise, I was in charge of managing the social networks of the president, Ángel Simón.


Un ordenador muestra mi trabajo como digital content specialist para la web de Fundación Acuorum

At Beople, I was also responsible for the content management of Acuorum Foundation’s website. A third sector entity that advocated for sustainability in the use of water. At the same time, I worked as the community manager of the foundation.

Un ordenador muestra mi trabajo como digital content specialist para Hidroblog.

Hidroblog was the third website managed by Beople where I developed my functions as a digital content specialist and SEO expert. This page gathers interesting news related to the water sector.


Community Manager

Una tableta electrónica muestra el feed de la cuenta de Instagram de eDreams

Community Manager for companies

During my career, I have worked as a community manager in different companies. I designed the social media actions to fit each company’s objectives. Despite that, their foremost social media goals were fostering a community of users, building loyalty among their followers and encouraging interaction with their potential customers to boost sales.



Social networks have a crucial role in online marketing since they are a direct communication channel with potential clients. This is the reason why I developed tailored strategies focusing on previously defined KPI’s. Planning and publishing content on social media is a daily task of a community manager and I am familiar with tools such as Hootsuite, Social Elephants, OnlyPult, Tweetdeck, among others.



It is proven that image and video on social networks generate much more engagement than plain text. For this reason, I always work on images that catch the eye, such as quotes, for example.

Un ipad muestra una de mis publicaciones en instagram como community manager de floraqueen.

On the other hand, I have also carried out social paid campaigns in the main networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.  As well as contest and giveaways to boost interaction and influencer marketing campaigns.

To sum up, every action on social media needs to be properly measured to track its impact in order to reach the company’s objectives.


E-commerce SEO

E-commerce de lentillas Lentia en pantalla de ordenador

E-commerce SEO optimization


The main objective of e-commerce SEO techniques is to provide greater visibility to products in the search results ranking and, thus, to increase the number of sales. At website, a contact lens e-commerce, my job was to optimize each product to make it SEO-friendly.


SEO para e-commerce en una web de lentillas


First, I performed a benchmark of Lentia’s competitors, as well as an audit to find those keywords with a bigger search volume. Once I selected the main keywords, I mapped them into the contact lens product sheets. I wrote each sheet tailoring it to a specific keyword and I used SEO writing techniques to make each piece of content appealing and readable (short, bold sentences, structured paragraphs, etc.).

Online marketing

Online marketing campaigns

Digital content strategies are interrelated with online marketing actions. Many of them complement each other so that a product, brand, or service can reach its target in a more direct and efficient way.


One of the most used digital marketing strategies is paid advertising, generally pay per click. I have experience managing PPC campaigns in Google Adwords, both for search and display. Moreover, I have also managed paid social actions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.


On the other hand, during my working career, I have launched several email marketing campaigns in a comprehensive way. From lead generation and newsletter design to database segmentation using tools like Mailchimp, Webpower, or iApps, among others.



Uno de mis trabajos en contenido digital como content manager

Discover my blog!

I needed to have my own space to express myself, so I decided to create my blog. You can visit it in, as you will see, in general, the articles are literary. My passion for reading and writing started when I was very young, thus, it was time to have my blog!

Un ipad muestra un artículo publicado en mi blog personal


I chose a minimalist design so that what stood out were the words and their meaning. You will find four sections:

  • Reflections: thoughts that have ever crossed our minds and that reflect my vision of life.
  • Feminist Glasses: as I am strongly committed to feminism, in this section, I write about related topics such as sexism and gender equality.
  • Short Stories: this is the most literary section of the entire blog. Here I publish little stories that are born of my imagination.
  • Catalan: articles published in Catalan, my mother tongue language, which can also belong to any of the three previous sections depending on their topic.