Social Media & Content Specialist at eDreams

Among my responsibilities as Social Media & Content Specialist at eDreams, one of the most renowned online travel agencies in Europe, there is the design and implementation of cross-channel campaigns. These campaigns can either promote eDreams products, as well as those of partners, mainly tourism boards and airlines, with interest, for example, in promoting a specific destination or a new flight route. The management of these campaigns includes the execution of paid social campaigns on the main social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter y YouTube. In addition to organic posts on social media and writing of sponsored content on the eDreams blog. The development of these multichannel campaigns always implies a high level of coordination with other marketing departments.

Una tableta electrónica muestra el feed de la cuenta de Instagram de eDreams

The community management of the company social media is also part of my daily work, comprising the creation of content that generates engagement among the followers, as well as the acquisition of new followers. To accomplish this last goal, the launch of social media contest is one of the most used strategies, always promoted with paid social campaigns. Contests bring new followers and enable lead acquisition through the giveaway of prizes such as airline tickets.


Una mano sujeta un teléfono móvil que muestra una Instagram Stiry sobre Chefchaouen, la ciudad azul de Marruecos


Regarding YouTube, I have led the eDreams Travel Guides project, whose main objective is to reinforce brand awareness on this social network. For a year, from March 2019 to March 2020, I fully managed the initiative by which eDreams employees recorded their trips, whose footage the design team edited into YouTube videos. A project to convey that eDreams professionals are travel experts and to achieve greater closeness with consumers through the humanization of the brand.

Una tableta electrónica muestra un vídeo de YouTube de la serie eDreams Travel Guides y su lista de reproducción a la derecha

Another of the strategies carried out to promote the eDreams brand in social media is influencer marketing. Most of the actions developed are with travel influencers, but also with lifestyle influencers if their followers match the eDreams target. Among the latter, I would highlight Dulceida campaign, one of the best-known influencers in Spain, who promoted the eDreams app on her trip to Japan in 2019.


Ordenador portátil que muestra el blog de viajes de eDreams con un artículo sobre los templos más importantes de Kioto, Japón

On the other hand, the creation of posts for the eDreams travel blog and the writing of landing pages for the web are among my duties. I always optimize my texts applying SEO techniques to boost organic positioning.